Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I eased out the back door and stepped into a cocoon of twenty degree air. For several minutes I stood deeply inhaling the crisp breath of night as I felt my senses stirring, awakening from the narcolepsy induced by the synthetic wombs we dwell in.
The shift fell sudden and abrupt. I had become alert, focused to the scents, sounds and movements of the nocturnal world.
Leisurely I strolled across the back yard, hopped the offensive fence separating me from my destination and firmly planted my feet on the brittle grass of the mow. I gazed about, bathing in the silvery shower of moon kisses. I had stepped through the hidden garden gate of secrets and mysteries into the realm of Goddess Nyx.
It was time to go skyclad.
After shucking my garb down to cutoffs I shouldered my Craft tool bag and began my journey.
As I loped along the skirt hem of the wood line surrounding the meadow I listened to the grousing, peeping and twitters of tiny woodland creatures both undisturbed and unperturbed by my presence.
Weaving in and out amongst the trees, occasionally hopping over frigid rivulets, I made my way to my goal, a lone and ancient Cedar that stands sentinel watch over the treeless shrubless field. I could feel a myriad eyes upon me marking my passage. From time to time they winked the moon at me as soaring Selene went about Her business of making and breaking shadows. Without knowledge of  the lapse of time or space I was there, standing beside my friend.
I laid my bag on the ground, sat down to lean my back against his rough trunk, and watched.
Before long I was blessed with the sight of a honking flock of forty or more geese languidly winging their way across the moon's face. Nice.
Hard on their heels, from the belly of the forest, a fox entered the open ground to trot a straight line across to the wooded shelter on the far side. Intent upon some urgent errand and feeling secure she looked neither left nor right. Silence ensued, and I was alone.
After a lengthy time of quiet wonder the sharp crack of some befallen branch snapping magnetized my attentive gaze to my left. A buck and his doe stepped timidly into the clearing to stand statue still and blow luminous clouds of fog from their nostrils as they tested for warnings of foes. Being upwind, yet near enough to hand, I could smell the warmth of their hides. Satisfied that all was well they meandered across, pausing only to graze at treats here and there until they were swallowed again by the morphic shadows.
My soul was lifted up and my heart sang: O Lady. O Lord. How wondrous are Thy works! In wisdom hast Thou made them all. For the heavens declare Thy glory, and the earth shows forth Thy handiwork.
Stiff with age and numb with cold I awkwardly rose to my knees and laid out the contents of my satchel unto the ground.
A wand for inscribing my circle, charcoal and incense, two jarred candles, a flat smooth round holed stone, a pine cone and a seashell to hold my offering of nuts, herbs and spices.
I rose to my feet, shed my denim shorts, and stood erect as I lifted hands and face to the heavens. In a loud cry I declared myself and invited the four sacred elemental guardians, the Goddesses and Gods to attend my ritual. A rush of heat flooded my physical frame.
My rite of honoring, petitioning and thanksgiving was set afoot.

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